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50. What is React Hooks? What are the pros and cons?

React Hooks are a new feature introduced in React 16.8 that allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class. The main benefit of using React Hooks is to simplify the state management and lifecycle methods. With Hooks, you can reuse stateful logic between components, making it easier to write and organize your code.


  • Simplifies state management and lifecycle methods.
  • Makes it easier to reuse stateful logic between components.
  • No need to write class components, which can be verbose and difficult to read.
  • Can eliminate the need for third-party libraries like Redux.


  • Hooks are a new concept, and some developers might not be familiar with them.
  • There is a learning curve to understand how to use Hooks effectively.
  • Not all React components can be converted to functional components with Hooks easily.
  • Hooks can make it harder to manage state in very large applications.

In conclusion, while React Hooks offer a lot of benefits, they may not be the best choice for every situation. It is important to understand the pros and cons of using Hooks, and to use them thoughtfully in your projects.