14. Implement a general memoization function - `memo()`

medium  - accepted / - tried

Memoization is a common technique to boost performance. If you use React, you definitely have used React.memo before.

Memoization is also commonly used in algorithm problem, when you have a recursion solution, in most cases, you can improve it by memoization, and then you might be able to get a Dynamic Programming approach.

So could you implement a general memo() function, which caches the result once called, so when same arguments are passed in, the result will be returned right away.

const func = (arg1, arg2) => {
  return arg1 + arg2

const memoed = memo(func)

memoed(1, 2) 
// 3, func is called

memoed(1, 2) 
// 3 is returned right away without calling func

memoed(1, 3)
// 4, new arguments, so func is called

The arguments are arbitrary, so memo should accept an extra resolver parameter, which is used to generate the cache key, like what _.memoize() does.

const memoed = memo(func, () => 'samekey')

memoed(1, 2) 
// 3, func is called, 3 is cached with key 'samekey'

memoed(1, 2) 
// 3, since key is the same, 3 is returned without calling func

memoed(1, 3) 
// 3, since key is the same, 3 is returned without calling func

Default cache key could be just Array.from(arguments).join('_')


It is a trade-off of space for time, so if you use this in an interview, please do analyze how much space it might cost.

Bugfree ordinary solution is better than buggy fancy ones.
